“Enter to Grow in Wisdom; Go Forth to Apply Wisdom in Service.” ~Huntingdon College motto

Huntingdon College campus in Montgomery in the early 1920s
The Huntingdon College campus in Montgomery in the early 1920s

Tuskegee Female College

For more than 160 years, Huntingdon has upheld a mission of faith, wisdom, 以及服务,因为它为成千上万的校友创造了实现人生的途径.

1854年2月2日,阿拉巴马州州长约翰·温斯顿签署了十大菠菜靠谱平台的宪章. Chartered as Tuskegee Female College, 这是学院四个名字中的第一个.

The cornerstone on the Tuskegee campus was laid April 9, 1855. On February 11, 1856, 塔斯基吉女子学院的大门在学院第一任校长的领导下正式开放, Dr. Andrew Adgate Lipscomb. There were four students in the first graduating class in 1856, 但到1859年9月,学院的平均入学人数已经上升到216人, with 29 women graduating that year.

Alabama Conference Female College

In 1872, the Alabama Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, assumed full management and control of the College. 重组后成立了现在的管理机构——董事会,并更名为阿拉巴马会议女子学院.

Woman’s College of Alabama

In the aftermath of the Civil War, 学院管理部门决定将校园搬迁到蒙哥马利, a more populous, urban environment. In 1906 Dr. John Massey, who had assumed the presidency in 1876, 领导了将学院迁往蒙哥马利的计划,而学院在该地区的朋友们开始寻找合适的地点. 一些公民已经开始与土地所有者谈判,试图说服他们捐赠土地, but these negotiations were unsuccessful. As a result, Dr. John Sellers, C.G. Zirkle, and William Moore approached J.G. 托马斯同意将蒙哥马利克洛夫代尔区的50英亩土地卖给他们. The land was then donated to the College.

Huntingdon College campus aerial view 2012
Huntingdon College campus aerial view 2012

On August 24, 1909, furniture, equipment, 半个多世纪以来的所有官方大学记录都被搬到了蒙哥马利的一幢租来的大楼里, 在新校区的第一座建筑建成之前,学院的所在地是哪里, Flowers Hall, was completed. That night, the rented building burned, destroying its contents. Other housing arrangements were made, however, 1910年秋天,新校区以阿拉巴马女子学院的名义开放. Since the move to Montgomery had occurred the previous year, 1909 remains the recognized founding date of the Montgomery campus.

书院美丽的校园是由小弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德于1908年设计的.,  son of the designer of New York’s Central Park. Olmsted Jr. 为波士顿公园系统和比尔特莫尔地产等建筑规划了景观吗. John Jefferson Flowers Memorial Hall, the first building on campus, 为校园设定了建筑风格,由H. 英国的朗斯福德·沃伦,哈佛大学建筑学院的创始人. 沃伦的计划是为了反映剑桥和牛津的哥特式建筑,并使用了圣. 作为该建筑的小教堂的模型,现在被称为利根教堂.

Julia Pratt Hall (1912), The Hut (1922), Miriam Jackson Home (1924), Weenona Hanson Hall (1924), Seay Twins Art Gallery (1927), Bellingrath Memorial Hall (1928), 霍顿纪念图书馆(hooughton Memorial Library, 1929)紧随弗劳尔斯大厅(Flowers Hall)之后,在20世纪20年代迎来了建筑热潮.  利贡纪念馆(1947年)和德尔尚公馆(1949年)紧随其后.

Huntingdon College

自从搬到蒙哥马利以来,学院发生了许多变化. In 1934, the first male student was graduated, 但直到20年后,也就是1954年,全日制男学生才被录取. Once the College became a co-educational institution, the name Woman’s College of Alabama was no longer suitable. In 1935, 承认其与卫理公会圣公会的联系, South, the name Huntingdon College was selected to honor Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, 她是最早和最有影响力的与英国卫斯理运动有关的人之一.

Enhancing opportunities for Huntingdon students, 自20世纪50年代以来,主校区修建了许多设施, 包括以前称为德尔尚学生中心的建筑(1958年), now Catherine Dixon Roland Student Center; Julia Walker Russell Dining Hall (1963); Hubert F. Searcy Hall (1970); Sybil Smith Hall, a facility dedicated to music programs (1985); James W. Wilson Center (1987); Neal Posey Field (baseball, 1994); Carolyn and Wynton Blount Hall, a residential facility, in 1995; Seay Twins Art Gallery; Gibbs Tennis Center (2012); the Huntingdon Bands Rehearsal Hall (2017); and the W. James Samford Jr. Soccer and Softball Complex (2018).

In 2000, 学院通过购买13英亩的前克洛弗代尔学校的财产扩展到费尔维尤大道. 扩建后,学院得以举办故事片《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》的制作办公室,” many scenes of which were filmed at Huntingdon, and to have space to add intercollegiate football, which began in 2003. Charles Lee Field was dedicated in 2004, followed by W. James Samford Jr. Stadium in 2006, both on the Cloverdale Campus. The Dr. Laurie Jean Weil中心于2004年在Cloverdale校区进行了翻新和更名.

Since 2003, 学院的全日制招生人数几乎翻了一番,不仅包括传统的日间招生, 还包括学院晚间学位完成课程的全日制同等学生, with campuses in locations across the state. In recent years, 学院在克洛夫代尔附近增加了许多房产, contributing to a new “Huntingdon Village.”

Presidents of the College

  1. A.A. Lipscomb, 1856–1859
  2. G.W.F. Price, 1859–1863, 1865–1872
  3. Jesse Wood, 1863–1864
  4. C.D. Elliot, 1864–1865
  5. H.D. Moore, 1872–1875
  6. E.L. Loveless, 1875–1876
  7. John Massey, 1876–1909
  8. W.E. Martin, 1909–1915
  9. M.W. Swartz, 1915–1922
  10. W.D. Agnew, 1922–1938
  11. Hubert F. Searcy, 1938–1968
  12. Allen K. Jackson, 1968–1993
  13. Wanda Durrett Bigham, 1993–2003
  14. J. Cameron West, 2003– 2024
  15. Anthony J. Leigh, 2024-Current
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